(2 6x4 trailers) H1000 W1200 L1200
(3 6x4 trailers) H1200 W1300 L1250
(4 6x4 trailers) H1200 W1350 L2850
(6 6x4 trailers) H1250 W1550 L3650
(8 6x4 trailers) H1500 W1700 L3500
(10 6x4 trailers) H1500 W1750 L4350
Asbestos https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe/asbestos-frequently-asked-questions
Tyres It is an offence to dump waste and tyres into bushland. Heavy fines apply
Oils/solvents Dirty Deeds Bin Hire can advise you on your regular oil and solvent disposal needs
Hazards If you are unsure if you need to dispose of something that maybe hazardous call us first
Batteries Call us for information about recycling batteries
Gas bottles It is extremely dangerous to dispose of gas bottles yourself. Call us for assistance.